€70,000 Compensation for Chef Who Sustained Serious Burns in Work


Shane Walsh and the Litigation team successfully achieved a settlement in the sum of €70,000 for a client that sustained serious burn injuries to his right hand, right side, left buttock and back after slipping on a wet floor while lifting a heavy pot of boiling pasta to the sink. The burns amounted to 8% of his total body surface area. Our client was working in the restaurant as a Chef at the time of the incident.

Numerous expert reports were required from a Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Consultant Psychiatrist regarding our client’s physical and psychiatric injuries. These reports detailed the long-term implications of the burns, including scarring, potential need for future treatment, and psychological trauma related to returning to work in similar environments.

Expert engineering evidence was also required in proving the Restaurant were liable for our client’s injuries. This involved a joint inspection with our Engineer and the Defendant’s Engineer at the accident locus to assess the conditions that led to the fall. Discovery of the accident report form, documents pertaining to training provided to our client and CCTV footage of the incident were also obtained from the Defendant to assist our Engineer in preparing his expert report.

Due to the multitude of injuries, the Injuries Resolution Board (formerly the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB)) issued an Authorisation pursuant to section 17 of the PIAB Acts. This allowed the case to proceed to the courts for resolution. Court proceedings were duly issued in the High Court in February 2023 and the matter was set down for trial. A settlement was ultimately reached without our client having to give evidence in Court, sparing them the additional stress of a trial while achieving a fair outcome.

If you or someone you know has suffered a workplace injury, our experienced litigation team at Anthony Joyce & Co Solicitors is here to help. Contact us today for expert advice and support.

Anthony Joyce

Anthony founded Anthony Joyce & Co. Solicitors in March 2004 in the oldest part of Dublin known as the Liberties (originally a tax free part of Dublin!!). He is focused on building the practice in certain niche areas of law such as financial litigation and personal insolvency. Entrepreneurship is in his blood and he is on the board of a number of start-ups. If Anthony is not available he could be watching a SpaceX rocket launch, spending time with his two children or playing 5-a-side.

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